发表于 2017-3-6 18:51:31
Basically ISIS gets it funds from the following:
<ol type="1">Sales of oil and gas
Taxes within the region it controls
Controlling agricultural products like wheat
Controlling water
Controlling electricity
Support from wealthy Sunnis who support their aims - this may be drying-up though as they realize that ISIS intends to overthrow the Status Quo in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States
Car jacking
Kidnappings - unlike the much publicized murder of Americans, British, Japanese and the Jordanian, other foriegn countries are willing to pay ransoms
Selling looted antiquities
Selling drugs</ul>In sum, when it comes to raising money, ISIS functions much like the mafia, without any moral compass - the theft of $500 million from the Central Bank in Mosul along with an untold amount of gold bullion ISIS' half-a-billion-dollar bank heist makes it world's richest terror group - Telegraph has left ISIS as the richest Terrorist organization in the world today. |