"The President has been explicit: any businesses which put their own commercial interests in Iran ahead of the global good will risk serious consequences for their trade with the United States."
这边约翰逊“放飞自我”,那边在欧洲大陆的德国,特朗普指派的另一位大使也不时掀起波澜。美国《华尔街日报》网站7月13日发表题为《特朗普钟爱的大使在柏林制造“特朗普式效应”》(Trump’s Favorite Ambassador Makes a Very Trumpian Splash in Berlin)的文章称,和特朗普一样,美国驻德大使理查德·格雷内尔直接而富有对抗性,且也是个“推特达人”。
不过,文章也指出,虽然格雷内尔因“没个外交官的样子”(undiplomatic manner),树的敌人比交的朋友多(made more enemies than friends),但他深受特朗普本人的喜爱。多名美国官员表示,特朗普经常私下表扬格雷内尔,并数次向自己的顾问提到安排格雷内尔担任政府内其他职务的事宜。
"Ric is willing to be publicly confrontational with his host country if it’s in America’s national interest in a way that is not typical historically but directly reflects the way Trump operates."
美国大使如此做派,遭到外界诟病也就不足为奇了。英国《金融时报》在7月11日一篇题为《特朗普走在分裂西方的轨道上》(Donald Trump is on track to splinter the West)的文章中点名批评美国大使:与一直在公开场合礼貌对待特朗普政府的金爵士不同,特朗普的大使们经常对驻在国恶语中伤。约翰逊公开支持无协议脱欧。理查德·格雷内尔是德国民粹主义右翼的公开朋友。但他们都没有像金那样被对待。特朗普的大使们的公开言论远比金爵士的私下言论更过火。
"We did not want a repeat of the unfortunate Kim Darroch incident, so we made the first question on the job application, ‘Do you think Donald Trump is a moron?’ So far, none of the applicants has checked the ‘no’ box."