【信息类别】雇主招聘 | 【职业分类】专业技术 |
| 【职位概况】全职 - 长期工 - 白班 | 【大致薪水】[ 面议 ] | 【上班日期】[ 立即 ] | | 【雇主描述】Tradeport Electronics Group | 【所在地区】北约克
| 【招聘人数】2 人 | 【工作地点】[ 未填写 ] | | 【语言要求】英语流利 | 【其他要求】相关经验 / 相关证书 | | 联络信息
【联 系 人】Barry Conway or Steven Huang |
| 【联系电话】905-660-3797 | 【电子邮件】[ 发送邮件 ] | 【其他电话】[ 未提供 ] | 【传真电话】905-660-3019 | | 详细介绍
Job Descriptions
Tradeport Electronics Group. is a leading supplier of Test & Measurement Instrumentation for the Canadian market since 1982. The Calibration & Service Department is seeking two energetic, highly motivated, and organized professionals with a strong sense of urgency. You should be an electrical engineer or technologist with a strong background in service and calibration of electronic equipment.
The successful candidate will be expected to:
Create and implement calibration and repair procedures;
Manage projects independently;
Provide a superior level of customer support;
Electrical/ Electronics Measurement Instrument & PCB troubleshooting analysis and repair;
Be able to interpret industry standard schematics and drawings;
Provide technical expertise to various departments (Productions, QA, Sales).
Skills Required
A solid understanding of the theory of metrology and traceable calibration.
Experience with industry standard test and measurement equipment and the uses of such equipment in a metrology environment.
Familiarity with certification and documentation compliant with ISO/IEC 17025.
A solid understanding of electronic principles and the ability to troubleshoot and repair a broad range of electronics, including, but not limited to power supplies, DMM, function generators, data acquisition systems and radio & communication test sets.
Experience with Fluke Metcal and products considered a bonus.
Solid understanding of metrology documentation and application of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Excellent communications, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills.
Hold a valid driver’s license.
Legally allowed to work in Canada, with the ability to travel to the USA.
| 其他信息
【发布时间】9月17日 14:42 | 【有效期】三个月 | | [tr] [/tr]