【信息类别】雇主招聘 | 【职业分类】办公文员 |
| 【职位概况】全职 - 长期工 - 白班 | 【大致薪水】17.00 加元/小时 | 【上班日期】[ 立即 ] | | 【雇主描述】[ 未填写 ] | 【所在地区】北约克 | 【招聘人数】1 人 | 【工作地点】[ 未填写 ] | | 【可否学生】须有工签 | 【其他要求】相关经验 / 自备用车 | | 联络信息
【联 系 人】queenwin |
| 【联系电话】437-887-4003 | 【电子邮件】[ 未提供 ] | 【其他电话】[ 未提供 ] | 【传真电话】[ 未提供 ] | | 详细介绍
工作时间:周一 到周四 10am-7pm
周六 10am – 5pm
工作地点:North York, near hwy 400/Steeles
薪水待遇:试用期 $17(1个月~3个月),
英文流利;国语流利;有至少两年以上本地办公室相关工作经验. 直接有本地石头行业办公室工作经验优先考虑!
~Receptionist duties, including answering phone calls, placing orders, directing inquiries to the appropriate contacts and providing information by phone
~Offer personalized options to each customer while staying within the company’s policies and procedures;
~Prepare reports, memos, and documents, shipping slips
~Maintain paper filing system (code and file documents according to the established procedures)
~Process incoming and outgoing mail, manually or electronically
Maintain electronic and back up filing systems as well as records ~management and related procedures,Manage calendar, meetings, appointments
~Prepare meeting agendas and supporting materials for distribution as requested
~Draft minutes of meetings, resolutions and standard agreements as requested
~Support with meeting, travel and other arrangements
~Assist with inventory control, shipping and receiving, as well as procurement of supplies and equipment
~Other tasks that may be assigned from time to time
~Office cleaning.
Please send your WORD resume to us in Word version to [email protected]
and call: 437-887-4003
| 其他信息
【发布时间】8月30日 15:29 | 【有效期】三个月 | | [tr] [/tr]