【信息类别】雇主招聘 | 【职业分类】办公文员 |
| 【职位概况】全职 - 长期工 - 白班 | 【大致薪水】15.00 加元/小时 | 【上班日期】[ 立即 ] | | 【雇主描述】[ 未填写 ] | 【所在地区】旺市
| 【招聘人数】1 人 | 【工作地点】176 Creditstone Rd, Unit 7 | | 【可否学生】须有工签 | 【语言要求】英语流利 / 国语流利 | 【其他要求】相关经验 / 相关证书 | | 联络信息
【联 系 人】ECHO123456 |
| 【联系电话】905-364-1916 | 【电子邮件】[ 发送邮件 ] | 【其他电话】[ 未提供 ] | 【传真电话】[ 未提供 ] | | 详细介绍
1 Make invoices on QuickBook
2 Apply payments and enter invoices into QuickBooks
3 Process accounts receivable/payables
4 Answer phone calls
5 Make a payrolls
6 Monthly remittances for CRA, WSIB, EHT HST etc.
1 Strong oral communication skills are important.
2 Post secondary education in bookkeeping, finance or business.
3 Excellent organization skills
4 Excellent computer skills, knowledge on Quick books, Excel, and Word.
5 Strong attention to detail and ability to input data correctly
At least 1 year with Administrative Assistant
please send resume to:echo.liu@fuzionglobal.com
| 其他信息
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